Hurricane Shutter Information (for insurance)
Meeting Minutes 2023-12-07 – Board Meeting
2023-10 Monthly Financials
Over the year 2022-2023 we released financial comments on the results and forecast for the complete year at that point in time. The current report indicates not only the results as of the end of October, but it also indicates the potential results for the total fiscal year that ended on October 31, 2023, prior to the auditor review. For the year that runs from November 1, 2022 to October 31, 2023, it indicates that we should achieve a small surplus of
Landscape / Building Modification
Clubhouse Usage
2022 Audited Financials
Condo Rules & Regulations
On this page you will find all the rules and regulations at Waterside Village of Palm Beach, inc.
2023-07 Monthly Financials
Owners, we forecast, after 9 months of operation, a loss of $12,413.00 and we are working to make sure that we minimize that forecast without negatively impacting the maintenance of our site and its reputation.
2023-06 Monthly Financials
This report contains information about the insurance and the special assessment that was caused by the substantial insurance policies cost increase for the current year. Please review your own financial situation and unless there is substantial modification to existing laws in
Florida, insurance costs will simply continue to go up. For our owners that are on fixed retirement income or close to it, it will be a financial nightmare to manage.